Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Song Id Powerpoint Final

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:


Linkedin: A new social networking site
Linked is a social networking site that is used for professional networking in the business environment. People who are looking to obtain a job in a specific field can create a profile to look for potential job offerings. Also college students who are looking for internships, paid or unpaid, can create a profile. Potential internships that are in fact hiring can notify you from your profile page on Linkedin. For students like myself I think this social networking site can be extremely helpful when looking for jobs after graduation or internships. I think this site is different from most of the social sites currently out there because it has more of a professional setting and is business oriented.
One job listing that interested me in particular was a Senior Interactive Art Director for a health care company. I found this job to be enticing because it directly connects with my advertising major and it allows me to be creative. Also the job allows me to work with industry professionals ranging from photographers to advertising developers. Also this job is located in New York City which is where I plan on working and hopefully living after graduation. The tips Linkedin gave me toward this job, was to get connected and inside access into the company. This will allow me to get a better understanding of the business, and give me background information on the company.